Från Rilpedia
ACS är en förkortning som står för många olika saker:
- Academic Computing Services
- Actividades de Construcción y Servicios S.A.
- Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Adolescent Counseling Services
- Advanced Camera for Surveys
- Advanced Card Systems
- Advanced Computer Solution
- Advanced Computing Systems, hemligt superdatorprojekt hos IBM på 1960-talet
- Advances in Complex Systems
- Affiliated Computer Services
- Agency Computer Systems
- Airport Coordination Sweden
- Alcohol Countermeasure Systems
- Alaska Communications Systems
- Alaska Computer Society
- America Cable Systems
- American Camellia Society
- American Cancer Society
- American Ceramic Society
- American Cetacean Society
- American Chemical Society
- American Citizens Services
- American Cockatiel Society
- American College of Sofia
- American College of Surgeons
- American Community Schools
- American Community Survey
- American Constitution Society
- Arabic Computer Systems
- Arkivcentrum Syd
- Associated Colleges of the South
- Association for Canadian Studies
- Association of Caribbean States
- Assumption College Sriracha
- Asynchronous Communications Server. Vilket är en modemserver eller gateway för asynkron kommunikation
- AudioCarStereo
- Auditing & Consulting Services
- Australian Computer Society
- Australian Correspondence Schools
- Automobil Club der Schweiz
- Auxilliary Communications Service
- IATA:s kod för Achinsk Airport, Achinsk, Ryssland
- ICAO:s kod för Air Cess
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