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Wikimania 2007 kommer att hållas i Taipei i Taiwan.

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Wikimania 2007: Call for Participation

About Wikimania

Wikimania is an annual global event devoted to Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia Foundation projects. It is a community event, which is also open to the public and to scientists. Wikimania is a place for editors and users of the Wikimedia projects around the globe (Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikisource, Wikinews, Wiktionary, and Wikiversity) to gather, to meet each other, to exchange ideas, and to report on research and projects. This year's conference will be held from August 3-5, 2007 in Taipei, Taiwan at Chien Tan Overseas Youth Activity Center <>.

We are accepting submissions for posters, presentations, workshops, and discussion groups. We are also accepting nominations for speakers and speaker panels, and suggestions for other activities. Please note the details below and be bold in your submissions!

Important dates

  • 1 March – 30 April: Submission
  • 1 May – 31 May: Feedback and notification of acceptance
  • 3 – 5 Aug 2007 : Wikimania

Conference Themes

Submissions should address one or more of the following themes:

  • Wikimedia Communities – Interesting projects and particularities within the communities (we explicitly invite you to present your local Wikimedia project's community!); policy creation within individual projects; conflict resolution and community dynamics; reputation and identity; multilingualism, languages and cultures; social studies.
  • Free Content – Open access to information; ways to gather and distribute free knowledge, usage of the Wikimedia projects in education, journalism, research; ways to improve content quality and usability; copyright laws and other legal areas that interfere with Wikimedia projects.
  • Technical infrastructure – Issues related to Mediawiki development and extensions; Wikimedia hardware layout; new ideas for development (including usable case studies from other wikis or similar projects).

Your topic must be related to Wikimedia projects and its communities or to the creation of free content in general. If your topic does not cover free content creation and communities but wikis or communities in other applications then the WikiSym 2007 conference <> (October 21-23, 2007, Montreal) or a Recent Changes camp might better suit.

Types of Submissions

We are seeking submissions for

  • presentations (10–30 minute talks with optional short or full papers)
  • posters (printed presentations or visual displays that can stand on their own)
  • workshops (30–120 minute session with more involvement of the audience)
  • panels (group of 2-5 speakers to discuss on a specific subject)
  • Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) (45-60 minutes informal meetup of group discussion on a particular topic)
  • artistic artifacts (plays, competitions, comedy, visualizations, or other representations of some aspect of the projects)

Furthermore you may leave ideas, comment, and suggestions at the public wiki page <>.


Wikimania is organized by volunteers, so please help us to minimize wasted effort by following these guidelines carefully before submitting and be sure not to forget anything that is mentioned here. All submissions must explicitly include the following:

  • an English title
  • a short English abstract of 50 to 100 words. The abstracts should be provided as plain text, and not as file attachments. This abstract will be used as public description of your submission in the conference program
  • a detailed description (or full paper) of at least one page (300 words or more). This description will not be published unless you want it, but used for reviewing your submission. Give an overview of the areas to be covered or taught. State clearly the relevance to the Wikimedia projects and whether submission concerns a specific wiki project. You may use any language, but we strongly suggest English or Chinese. Full descriptions may include a link to a full paper or slides in HTML or PDF, if available.
  • full name, email address, and a short bio of 1–3 sentences for each author. You may also add wiki usernames and nicknames.
  • the type of submission (presentation, poster, workshop, panel, BoF, artistic)
  • the language(s) you are going to talk in (or the language of your poster)

Please tell us with your submission whether you will attend to Wikimania (a) surely, (b) probably, (c) only if your submission is accepted, or (d) only if you manage to get further funding. It may also help to add yourself to the public list of attendees at <>.

Additionally you must specify:

  • the target audience you are going to reach and what previous knowledge is needed
  • special requirements (such as equipment for a workshop or panel) if needed
  • images or sketches of the poster or artistic artifact if available
  • for panel submissions short biographies of each suggested panelist
  • whether the presentation is intended to be a specific length.
  • BoF proposals should describe the significance of and community interest in the topic, and name the proposed discussion leader(s).

Please note that all submissions must be dual licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.2 or later and the Creative Commons Attribution License.

Once you are sure you have included all of the required information, please send your submission by the respective deadline through our submission system <>, which will be available at the Wikimania 2007 website. Please do not send submissions by email. For poster sessions <> there are additional guidelines. Before the main conference there will also be informal Hacking days <> for MediaWiki developers who are familiar with the software. If you need help for translating your work please visit our translation help page. Questions, but not submissions, may be directed to

Wikimania 2007: Inbjudan till deltagande

Om Wikimania

Wikimania är ett årligt återkommande världsomspännande evenemang, ägnat åt Wikipedia och Wikimedia Foundations övriga projekt. Det är ett evenemang för gemenskapen kring Wikimedia, och även är öppet för allmänheten och för vetenskapsmän. Wikimania är ett tillfälle för användare på Wikimediaprojekt världen över (Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikisource, Wikinews, Wiktionary och Wikiversity) att samlas, träffas, utbyta idéer, och berätta om forskning och olika projekt. Detta års konferens kommer att hållas 3-5 Autusti i Taipei på Taiwan, på Chien Tan Overseas Youth Activity Center.

Vi tar nu emot anmälningar av material till konferensen i form av affischer (posters), föredrag, workshop och diskussionssessioner. Vi kan också ta emot förslag på talare och debattpaneler, och förslag till andra aktiviteter. Lägg märke till specifikationerna nedan, och var djärv i era bidrag!

Viktiga datum

  • 1 mars - 30 april: förslag och bidrag kan skickas in
  • 1 maj - 31 maj: Feedback och bekräftelse på om bidrag tas med
  • 3 aug – 5 aug: Wikimania


Bidrag inom ett eller flera av följande teman är välkomna:

  • Wikimediagemenskaper – Intressanta projekt och särdrag inom gemenskaperna (vi välkomnar särskilt presentationer av din lokala Wikimediaprojektsgemenskap!); skapande av policy inom enskilda projekt; konflikthantering och dynamiken inom gemenskapen; rykte och identitet; flerspråkighet; språk och kultur; sociala studier.
  • Öppet innehåll – Öppen tillgång till information; metoder för att samla in och distribuera fri kunskap, användning av Wikimediaprojekt inom utbildning, journalistik, forskning; metoder för att förbättra kvalitet och användbarhet; copyrightlagar och andra legala områden som berör Wikimediaprojekt.
  • Teknisk infrastruktur – Frågor som rör utveckling och utbyggnad av Mediawiki; hårdvarukonfiguration för Wikimedia; nya utvecklingsidéer (inklusive användbara fallstudier från andra wikier eller liknande projekt).

Ditt ämne måste beröra Wikimediaprojekt och dessas gemenskaper eller skapandet av fritt innehåll i allmänhet. Om ditt ämne faller utanför skapandet av fritt innhåll och wikimediagemenskaper, men berör wikier och gemenskaper runt andra applikationer så är WikiSym 2007-konferensen <> (21-23 oktober 2007, Montreal) eller ett Recent Changes camp kanske ett bättre forum.

Typer av bidrag


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