Stagger Lee

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(Omdirigerad från Stack-a-lee)
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Stagger Lee, (ibland Stack-a-lee, Stagolee, Stack O'Lee eller Stacker Lee). Historien om Stagger Lee har frodats bland Amerikas svarta sedan förra sekelskiftet då det började sjungas folksånger om honom. Legenden berättar att Stagger Lee, en lång, snygg, ond svart man förlorade sin Stetson-hatt i ett parti kortspel mot Billy Lyons. Billy Lyons anklagade Stagger Lee för att ha fuskat, varpå Stagger Lee drog sin revolver och sköt Billy till döds, fast han knäböjande bad om nåd för sin frus och två barns skull.

Mest troligt baserad på en verklig person 'Stag' Lee Sheldon som blev dömd för mord på Billy Lyons i St Louis, Missouri 1895.

THE ST. LOUIS GLOBE DEMOCRAT, 1895: William Lyons, 25, a levee hand, was shot in the abdomen yesterday evening at 10 o'clock in the saloon of Bill Curtis, at Eleventh and Morgan Streets, by Lee Sheldon, a carriage driver. Lyons and Sheldon were friends and were talking together. Both parties, it seems, had been drinking and were feeling in exuberant spirits. The discussion drifted to politics, and an argument was started, the conclusion of which was that Lyons snatched Sheldon's hat from his head. The latter indignantly demanded its return. Lyons refused, and Sheldon withdrew his revolver and shot Lyons in the abdomen. When his victim fell to the floor Sheldon took his hat from the hand of the wounded man and coolly walked away. He was subsequently arrested and locked up at the Chestnut Street Station. Lyons was taken to the Dispensary, where his wounds were pronounced serious. Lee Sheldon is also known as 'Stag' Lee

Moderna artister som Nick Cave, Muddy Waters, Johnny Cash, The Clash och John Lee Hooker har tolkat sånger där legenden om Stagger Lee berättas.

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