
Från Rilpedia

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m (1 version)

Versionen från 6 juni 2009 kl. 00.18

<!-- {{rpsv}} -->
/** CSS som skrivs här nedan påverkar alla skal **/
/* <pre> */
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
/* For better display of RecentChanges page            */
/*                                                     */
/* Extension: TransformChanges                         */
/*                                                     */
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
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table.changes td.comment { width:100%; }
table.changes td.diff    { font-size: 90%; }
table.changes td.user,
table.changes td.diff,
table.changes    { white-space: nowrap; }
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
/* Line up checkboxes for namespaces on search page // SHL */
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display: block;
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/* This make linebreaks break even if form#powersearch label elementss don't "clear" (i.e. they have clear=none) */
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clear: both;
/* <Special style for the Template rpsv_fromrilpedia> // SHL 2006-12-26 */
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/* </Special style for the Template rpsv_fromrilpedia> */
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/* make all corner rounded on biblenavigator when it occurs as "stand-alone" */
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#BiblechapterContent + table.slimnavigator {
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/* Styles for Rilpedia Guides */
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/* </pre> */
/* From Wikipedia Common.css */
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table.wikitable caption {
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/* Infobox-mallar */
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/* Öka läsbarheten när referenser används */
.reference a { line-height: 100%; font-size: 90%; }
/* Kursiva redirecter i allpages */
.allpagesredirect { font-style: italic; }
/* Stilmallar för Wikipedia:CommonsTicker börjar här */
  /* CommonsTicker styles */
  /* links */
  .tickerDiffLink { } /* diff links in ticker */
  .tickerMiscLink { } /* misc links in ticker */
  /* remove list bullets */
  .tickerList ul,    .tickerList ul li    { list-style: none; text-indent:-2em; margin-left:2em;   text-align:left; }
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  .tickerEntry_changed     { }  /* entry for generic change */
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  .tickerAction_removedGood:before { content:" -LicM "; color: #FF8800; font-family:monospace; font-weight:bold; font-size:100%; }
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  .tickerTemplateEntry    { font-weight: bold; } 
  /* entry applies to sub-entries, i.e. images that use a specific template */
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/* Stilmallar för Wikipedia:CommonsTicker slutar här */
/* stilmallar för avgränsade infoboxar med sammansatta rader */
.infobox.bordered .mergedtoprow td,
.infobox.bordered .mergedtoprow th {
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/* Mallar för meddelanderutor */
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/* stilar för geografiska infoboxar, t.ex. länder, nationella indelningar, städer osv. */
.infobox.geography {
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   text-align: left;
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.infobox.geography .maptable th {
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/* Standard navigationslista, d.v.s. boxgömmargrejen från .de */
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a.NavToggle {
/* Vid kall görs så att listan med referenser ser mindre ut (från enwiki)*/
ol.references {
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.references-small { font-size: 90%;}
/* VALIDATOR NOTICE: the following is correct, but the W3C validator doesn't accept it */
/* -moz-* is a vendor-specific extension (CSS 2.1 */
/* column-count is from the CSS3 module "CSS Multi-column Layout" */
/* Please ignore any validator errors caused by these two lines */
.references-2column {
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/* CSS Class for displaying only in printer friendly versions */
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/* Styles for Ril navigator */
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/* Tabmenu styles ***
== Usage ==
<div class="tabmenu">
*[[Page 1]]
*[[Page 2]]
*[[Page 3]]
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/* Frontpage / Right pane */
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/* Frontpage / "More Info"-box */
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=== Misc ===
<pre> */
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font-size: 11px; 
padding: 5px 7px 5px 7px;
text-align: left;
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/* </pre> */
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