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<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <item user="YurikBot" pageid="280194" revid="280194" ns="0" title="Sørvágur Ítróttarfelag" timestamp="2006-09-04T08:05:46Z" new="" minor="" top="" comment="Robot: Fixing double redirect" size="80" />
      <item user="YurikBot" pageid="278680" revid="278680" ns="0" title="Skuj" timestamp="2006-09-04T08:05:43Z" new="" minor="" top="" comment="Robot: Fixing double redirect" size="75" />
      <item user="YurikBot" pageid="230440" revid="230440" ns="0" title="Stokholmi" timestamp="2006-09-04T08:05:38Z" new="" minor="" top="" comment="Robot: Fixing double redirect" size="72" />
      <item user="YurikBot" pageid="144581" revid="144581" ns="0" title="Stadsdelar i Stockholm" timestamp="2006-09-04T08:05:35Z" new="" minor="" top="" comment="Robot: Fixing double redirect" size="71" />
      <item user="YurikBot" pageid="42537" revid="42537" ns="0" title="Stockholm, Sverige" timestamp="2006-09-04T08:05:21Z" new="" minor="" top="" comment="Robot: Fixing double redirect" size="72" />
      <item user="YurikBot" pageid="278630" revid="278630" ns="0" title="Sen Gud till barn mig tog åt sig" timestamp="2006-09-04T08:05:15Z" new="" minor="" top="" comment="Robot: Fixing double redirect" size="88" />
      <item user="YurikBot" pageid="241991" revid="241991" ns="0" title="Mod (Spel)" timestamp="2006-09-04T08:04:54Z" new="" minor="" top="" comment="Robot: Fixing double redirect" size="79" />
      <item user="YurikBot" pageid="241511" revid="241511" ns="0" title="Mod (spel)" timestamp="2006-09-04T08:04:51Z" new="" minor="" top="" comment="Robot: Fixing double redirect" size="78" />
      <item user="YurikBot" pageid="45439" revid="45439" ns="0" title="Riksdagen/Enkammarriksdagens talmän" timestamp="2006-09-04T08:04:36Z" new="" minor="" top="" comment="Robot: Fixing double redirect" size="93" />
      <item user="YurikBot" pageid="26740" revid="26740" ns="0" title="Rysk historia: Varjagerna och Kievriket" timestamp="2006-09-04T08:04:33Z" new="" minor="" top="" comment="Robot: Fixing double redirect" size="64" />
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